Tight Finks a Time shifter dokázali, že punk u nás opravdu žije! 🤘

Tight Finks and Time shifter proved that punk is really alive here! 🤘

🤘 On Saturday 14th of October Falcon Club it was sparking! The concert of Swiss Tight Finks and local Time Shifters got the punk blood flowing in the fans' veins. 🤘

Here is a photo report!

The first band to appear on stage was a Czech band Time Shifterswhich unleashed a punk hurricane full of raw guitars and female vocals. 🔥 The band blew the crowd away with their energetic performances. The audience went wild and jumped to the beat of the songs. 👏

Then it was the turn of the main star of the evening - the legendary Swiss trio Tight Finks! Po 12 letech se vrátili do Česka, aby fanouškům připomněli, jak má vypadat pravověrný punk. 🤘 A povedlo se! Sál Falconu bouřil nadšením a když zazněl hit “She’s a Heartbreaker” atmosféra gradovala až k naprosté hudební euforii. 🎉

Thanks to the fans and visitors, to all of you who came out on Saturday, thank you so much for the incredibly awesome atmosphere!

Photos from the concert can be found on our FB!

Thanks to everyone who came to support the bands and get the punk blood flowing! We are looking forward to the next blasts. 🎸

#punk #concert #klatovy #falconclub #cesko #ceskahudba #tihgtfinks #timeshifters


On Saturday, October 14th, the Falcon Club was sparkling! The concert of Swiss Tight Finks and local Time Shifters got the punk blood flowing in the fans’ veins. 🤘

Here is a photo report!

The Czech band Time Shifters was the first to appear on stage, unleashing a punk hurricane full of raw guitars and female vocals. 🔥 The band blew the crowd away with their energetic performances. The audience went wild and jumped to the rhythm of the songs. 👏

Then it was the turn of the main star of the evening – the legendary Swiss trio Tight Finks! After 12 years they returned to the Czech Republic to remind the fans how true punk should look like. 🤘 And they did it! The hall of Falcon was abuzz with enthusiasm and when the hit “She’s a Heartbreaker” was played the atmosphere graded to the point of complete musical euphoria. 🎉

Thanks to the fans and attendees, to all of you who came out on Saturday, thank you so much for an incredibly awesome atmosphere!

You can find photos from the concert on our FB!

Thanks to everyone who came to support the bands and get the punk blood flowing! We are looking forward to the next blasts. 🎸

#punk #concert #klatovy #falconclub #cesko #ceskahudba #tihgtfinks #timeshifters

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